You deserve to be healthy, happy and whole.
Will I feel better?
Puberty blockers & cross-sex hormones may actually make you feel worse!
Will I be safe?
These drugs are not proven safe to use for gender identity distress.
Will I be healthy?
Puberty blockers & cross-sex hormones have potentially permanent side effects and increase serious health risks.
- Many teens on puberty blockers had a greater tendency to hurt themselves.
- Girls taking high doses of testosterone had more emotional and behavioral problems, including more mania and psychotic symptoms.

Pediatric transition
“…possibly the biggest scandal in medical history.”
– Dr. Christopher Gillberg, world-renowned psychiatrist

- Puberty blockers have been linked to osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures, and cognitive impairment.
- Cross-sex hormones increase the risks of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, blood clots, and cancers.
How to Find REAL HELP
Interview your potential therapist. Make sure they are open to exploring why you are experiencing a non-traditional gender identity.
There is NO evidence that...
...transgender drugs will be safe for you.
...transgender drugs will make you happy.
...transgender drugs will prevent suicide.
There IS Evidence that...
Most people who are dissatisfied with their gender have other emotional and social problems that deserve attention. Once these are addressed, many eventually embrace the body they were born with.

You Deserve to be Sure
- Do I want to be on medication for the rest of my life?
- Am I ready to be sterile?
- Can I live with this decision forever? Have I ever changed my mind before?
- Have I talked to people who care about me and can offer me other options?
Who benefits from my long-term dependence on these treatments?
Medical and pharmaceutical companies reap massive profits from patients receiving hormone replacement therapies, surgical repair procedures, and follow-up corrective surgeries.